Saturday, February 9, 2013

Law of Attraction - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Many people are fascinated by the concepts underlying the Law of Attraction.  As a therapist, I believe it is one perspective that can be helpful to clients as a way of helping them understand the whys of and hows of changing their thoughts.  Which, in return, will change the way they feel.  Cognitive behavioral therapy also has a foundation of concepts that confirms that our thoughts create our feelings, our feelings drive our behaviors, and then our behaviors, or actions, reinforce our feelings and thoughts.   
I feel blessed to understand this.  I can help clients and also help myself.  I can look for perspectives on difficult situations that I cannot control or change, or choose to not control or change and find a way to feel peace, acceptance, and hope.  
I pray for the strength, skill, intelligence and insight so that I can share this gift with my clients.  I can use the ideas I have to create perspectives that are grounded in reality, and yet, can offer insight into ways of framing a situation in order to help myself and my clients that allow us to have peace, experience hope, and also allow us to continue to grow and develop as healthy human beings who continue to reach our goals and experience the joy and happiness of being alive and experiencing our world as it is, and yet cope with all the everyday stressors and challenges without being overwhelmed or mentally and emotionally incapacitated by them.
It does take work.   There are coping skills, or techniques, that we use to begin to create thoughts that lead to happy and productive feelings.  
In my next blog, we will being to learn about the different methods used to help us create thoughts that increase joy, lessen depression, increase peace - decrease anxiety.